Electric Car Charging Station Map for:

North Georgetown, OH 44665

There are 9 electric vehicle charging stations within a 30 mile radius of North Georgetown, OH 44665.

Within 10 Miles     Within 20 Miles     Within 30 Miles

 Filter Results    Type:    Network:
Location NameLocationDistanceChargersNetworkTypesRestrictions
The Acadia Hotel - Tesla 20 Mt Desert St
Bar Harbor, ME 04609
10.4 miles Tesla TESLA   Yes
College of the Atlantic 105 Eden St
Bar Harbor, ME 04609
10.8 miles J1772   Yes
Inn at Bay Ledge - Tesla 150 Sand Point Rd
Bar Harbor, ME 04609
11.9 miles Tesla TESLA   Yes
Seawall Motel 566 Seawall Rd
Southwest Harbor, ME 04679
20.5 miles Tesla TESLA, J1772   Yes
Harbor Watch'Inn - Tesla 111 Minturn Rd
Swans Island, ME 04685
29.9 miles Tesla TESLA   Yes
Ruby Tuesday - Tesla 5 Walton Dr
Brewer, ME 04412
40.5 miles Fast: 8 TESLA   Yes
Dunkin Donuts 271 State St
Brewer, ME 04412
41.6 miles J1772 24/7
Darling's Nissan 114 Sylvan Rd
Bangor, ME 04401
42.9 miles Fast: 1 J1772, CHADEMO   Yes
University of Maine - Advanced Structures and Composites Center Parking Lot 35 Flagstaff Rd
Orono, ME 04469
43.0 miles J1772 24/7

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